Educational Trail of The Musical Personalities of Jihlava


Nature trails






2.7 km


1 h


11 m

The trail represents the rich musical tradition of Jihlava, especially in the 19th century. It focuses on the personality of Gustav Mahler, who spent 15 years of his life in Jihlava, but does not neglect other personalities and places associated with music.

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Places on the way

Gate of the Mother of God

The gate is a typical symbol of the city. It has been preserved as the only one of the original five medieval gates.

House of Philharmonic Orchestra - music

Venue for concerts of the Gustav Mahler Philharmonic Orchestra.

Gustav Mahler House

The house where the composer and conductor Gustav Mahler spent a part of his childhood. Today it is his monument and gallery.

Horácké Theatre Jihlava

The Horácké Theatre is the only professional theatre in the Vysočina region.

Gustav Mahler Park

A place where the landscape meets the city.

Food & Drink on the Way

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Accommodation on the way

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