Henčov Airport

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Air Jihlava - service s.r.o.

Henčov 61
586 01 Jihlava

Opening hours:


Sightseeing flights for the public

For flying enthusiasts, the company offers sightseeing flights over the location of your choice or you can choose from already arranged themed flights.

Flights are operated exclusively by transport or commercial pilots with the appropriate ratings. These are professional pilots employed by Air Jihlava - service s.r.o. (in most cases flying instructors), who provide the company with other aviation work outside of these flights, such as flight training, photo flights, special aviation work in agriculture.
The sightseeing flight can also be donated in the form of a gift voucher.

Price list of sightseeing flights and contacts for ordering can be found at Sightseeing flights for the public | Air Jihlava - service s. r. o.

The company is located directly at Henčov Airport at the main entrance (from the road to Heroltice, bus stop No. 4 Airport Henčov). By appointment with the staff it is possible to visit the hangar and see the aircraft.

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